Reflections on the Importance of Experiential Learning In Public Administration Higher Education

Bogdana Neamțu, Paul Hossu


This article examines the evolving concept of experiential learning and its application in higher education, particularly in public administration pro­grams. It highlights how hands-on experiences, such as internships and policy simulations, bridge theoret­ical knowledge with real-world application, fostering critical skills like problem-solving, adaptability, and leadership. Drawing on initiatives at Babeș-Bolyai University, the analysis highlights how experiential learning supports career readiness and fosters inter­disciplinary approaches, both of which are crucial for tackling governance and policy challenges.

Public administration’s practical nature makes it uniquely suited for experiential methods, offering students opportunities to engage with community projects and governance systems. Despite its trans­formative potential, challenges include resource demands, academic rigor, and inconsistent quality. The article emphasizes the need for institutional support, partnerships, and emerging technologies to enhance accessibility and scalability. By document­ing and assessing these efforts, universities can val­idate their impact, share best practices, and better prepare students for dynamic, impactful careers.


experiential learning; higher education; public administration; competence-based education; career readiness.

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