Universities and Communities: The Need for a Real Strategic Partnership

Călin E. Hințea


Strategic partnerships between universities and intelligent communities are essential for address­ing rapid, profound societal changes. Communities benefit from access to educated human capital, research, and global connections, while universities gain relevance through community integration and real-world applications. Such alliances must move beyond superficial collaborations, requiring vision­ary leadership and shared goals. Universities can drive innovation, foster trust, and facilitate interna­tional connections, but the under-utilization of their potential persists.

By redefining roles, embracing agility, and lever­aging technology, universities and communities can build strategic partnerships and jointly achieve sus­tainable development and resilience, outperforming those who neglect these critical partnerships.


universities; communities; change; strategic advantage; strategic partnership.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24193/tras.SI2024.6 Creative Commons License
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