Analiza factorilor care influențează pregătirea comunităților la situații de urgență
The increase in the number and intensity of hazards in the past years puts pressure on public institutions to perform in a constantly unstable environment. The goal of this paper is to analyze the factors that influence communities’ preparedness for emergencies. A survey was conducted among County Inspectorates for Emergency Situations in Romania, which are the first responders in the case of emergency situations, and therefore are knowledgeable of these situations. The research showed that the preparedness of these institutions is important, but equally important is the good collaboration with City Halls from their jurisdiction. Local public institutions should assess risks, prepare intervention plans, organize the Voluntary Service for Emergency Situations, and train volunteers on how to act in unexpected situations. The research showed that even though City Halls identify the risks that threaten their communities, not all of them invest in infrastructure to prevent hazards. The social capital of communities is also important as inhabitants provide support to their relatives, neighbors, and people who cannot help themselves. The research showed that the local administration should prepare robust communities that can perform the same functions in an environment characterized by constant turbulence.
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