Sistemele de măsurare a performanțelor din instituțiile publice locale – o analiză exploratorie a scopurilor utilizate

Horia Mihai Raboca


The purpose of the article is to highlight some aspects related to the main characteristics of organizational performance measurement systems (PMS) within local public organizations in Romania (mayors) and to highlight an exploratory image of these systems. Based on a sociological survey, which involved a total of 6 local organizations (municipalities) from the North-West of Romania (from the North-West Development Region of Romania), the conclusions of the article reveal a low level of use of PMS in these institutions, a limited expression of interest by key stakeholders. The research findings highlight the fact that performance measurement systems are not yet seen as a useful managerial tool in local public organizations in Romania, although performance measurement is a great opportunity for resource allocation, budget building or employee motivation. In this sense, the PMS are used only by those in charge of management positions within the town halls and their purpose of use is only to improve the decision-making process, for statistical reporting purposes or to improve the quality of the services provided.

Cuvinte cheie

local public administration; performance measurement systems; managerial tool; stakeholders.

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