Dinamica procesului de bugetare participativă în rândul tinerilor din Cluj-Napoca: Com’ON Cluj-Napoca în perioada 2015–2024
The aim of the research was to analyze the dynamics of the youth participatory budgeting process in Cluj-Napoca, known as Com’ON Cluj-Napoca, by highlighting aspects related to the evolution of youth participation in the period 2015-2024, the projects submitted, and the preferences of young people in terms of location for activities. The study showed that participation through project submission and project implementation did not have a constant evolution, the majority of the projects focused on participation and learning activities, and half of the editions took place in the central area of Cluj-Napoca, in predominantly public spaces. In 2024, for the first time, a change in young people’s preferences towards projects taking place in private spaces can be observed. In addition, the analysis showed the importance of focusing attention on the ratio between the number of participants and the number of young people implementing, as well as on the number of projects submitted and funded.
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Revista Transilvană de Științe Administrative by RTSA is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Electronic ISSN: 2247-8329 | Print ISSN: 1454-1378 | © AMP
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