Angajamentul studenților față de interesul public. Fundamentul unui serviciu public orientat spre cetățean

Simona Claudia Creța, Raluca Ioana Antonie


Public Service Motivation (PSM) has emerged as a pivotal framework for understanding the intrin­sic drivers that inspire individuals to pursue careers in the public sector. This study explores the evolu­tion of PSM, emphasizing its theoretical underpin­nings and empirical validation, with a focus on the interplay between individual characteristics and con­textual factors. Key findings highlight the role of in­trinsic values such as compassion, commitment to public values, and a preference for meaningful work over financial incentives in shaping public sector en­gagement. The paper also examines the influence of educational and cultural factors on responsibility perception, a core value in PSM, addressing gaps in existing literature, particularly concerning under­graduate students in public administration. This research provides a nuanced perspective on foster­ing motivation among future public servants, offer­ing valuable insights for trainers and policymakers aiming to enhance the quality and effectiveness of public services.

Cuvinte cheie

Public Service Motivation; commitment to public interest; intrinsic values; responsibility; transformational leadership; evaluation.

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Electronic ISSN: 2247-8329 | Print ISSN: 1454-1378 |  © AMP

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