Platforma de evidență a activităților casnice.O noutate pe piața muncii din România
The „Platform for Household Activity Tracking” represents a significant development in Romania’s labor market, aiming to formalize domestic work practices and ensure legal compensation for providers. Introduced through Law no. 111/2022, the system employs vouchers as a payment method for various household tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, pet care, and more. Operational since April 2024, the platform simplifies employment arrangements by eliminating bureaucratic hurdles and offering transparency and ease of use. The platform functions through three main user types: providers, beneficiaries, and employers. Features include a digital marketplace for matching services, a user-friendly voucher management system, and minimal formalities for service agreements. However, legislative ambiguities, outdated information, and the exclusion of babysitting services from the voucher system pose challenges. Despite these issues, the platform has achieved moderate adoption, with over 11,000 users by September 2024, although further growth is needed to meet national targets. Key recommendations include updating platform content, addressing legislative inconsistencies, and revisiting the exclusion of babysitting services to maximize its societal impact.
Cuvinte cheie
household activities; vouchers; platform; Law no. 111/2022; household providers; household beneficiaries.
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