Evaluarea locuibilității urbane: factorii determinanți și exemple de bune practici

Ioana Nisioi


In the context of rapid urbanization and in­creasing population density, the livability of cities has become a major topic of interest for authorities and researchers. This paper explores the concept of livability, highlighting its historical evolution and its interaction with notions such as quality of life and sustainability.

Using the PRISMA methodology for a system­atic literature review, the paper identifies the deter­minants of livability and analyzes the various defi­nitions and measurements associated with it. Addi­tionally, case studies from Vienna and Copenhagen are presented as examples of best practices in enhancing urban livability. The paper emphasiz­es the importance of an integrated approach that combines objective and subjective factors to create sustainable and pleasant urban environments for residents.

Cuvinte cheie

livability; quality of life; urban planning; urban sustainability; livable city.

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Electronic ISSN: 2247-8329 | Print ISSN: 1454-1378 |  © AMP

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