Cultura ca profesie. Provocările sectorului cultural independent

Rarița Maria Zbranca


The paper provides a radiography of cultural labor from multiple perspectives, aiming to identify the key factors that determine the fragile position of independent artists and cultural workers in Romania. It presents data on cultural employment in the European Union, on the socio-economic conditions and the models of organization of cultural work in Romania. A series of structural problems that generate and maintain the lack of sustainability of the sector are identified. Creativity, resilience, collaboration, multiple specializations and the ability to work at the intersection with other disciplines that are characteristic of the work in culture are increasingly important competences in the knowledge economy. In this context, understanding and addressing systemic problems that create precariousness within the cultural ecosystem is important both to be able to define cultural policies that strengthen the status of cultural workers, but also to adapt the labor market in general to the challenges of the future of work.

Cuvinte cheie

cultural work; independent cultural sector; status of the artists and cultural workers; cultural policies.

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Electronic ISSN: 2247-8329 | Print ISSN: 1454-1378 |  © AMP

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