Leadership rezilient. O scurtă analiză teoretică a conceptului

Tudor Ticlau, Cristina Hintea, Bianca Andrianu


One consistent element of the environment in which organizations currently operate is change. Regardless of the size, sector or nature of the activities, organizations are compelled to constantly adjust their modus operandi in relation to the dynamics of the external environment. From the perspective of the organizational leadership, this challenge falls within the responsibility of the leadership. Today’s leaders are in a position to perform in a dynamic, unpredictable environment, which requires the development of internal mechanisms and tools that allow the organization to adapt. In this context, the concepts of organizational resilience and resilient leadership become extremely relevant to understand how organizations can overcome the adversities they face. This paper is a brief analysis of the concept of resilience from the perspective of the organizational leadership and the reasons why leaders should take into consideration the factors that impel the resilience of a system.

Cuvinte cheie

resilient leadership; resilience; adversity; organizational change.

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Electronic ISSN: 2247-8329 | Print ISSN: 1454-1378 |  © AMP

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