Rezistenţa la schimbare în instituţiile administraţiei publice

Ciprian TRIPON


Resistance to change is one of the most fun-damental obstacles in the implementation of any organizational change. The aim of this article is to offer a theoretical model that will enable any organi-zation and its management to measure and assess the level, type and causes of its resistance to change and, on this basis, to tailor its organization develop-ment program accordingly.This theoretical model was tested on six public institutions from three different counties in Romania, and the presentation and discussion of the results represents the bulk of this paper.

Cuvinte cheie

organizational change and de-velopment, resistance to change, organizational structure and culture, motivation and communicati-on in organizations, leadership, confict and confict management.

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Electronic ISSN: 2247-8329 | Print ISSN: 1454-1378 |  © AMP

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