Negocierea colectivă în sectorul bugetar



In the context of a changing society, legislative changes have a significant impact on social dialogue between social partners.

2011 is a landmark year for the significant chan- ges that were brought to the field of labor law in Romania, reflected in the adoption of a new Labor Code and of the Law no. 62/2011 regarding social dialogue. By repealing five laws – Law no. 54/2003 regarding unions, Law no. 356/2001 on employers, Law no. 109/1997 on the organization and functio- ning of the Social and Economic Council, Law no. 130/1996 on collective employment contract, and Law no. 168/1999 on solving employment conflicts – Law no. 62/2011 sought to create a unified regu- latory framework for social dialogue in Romania. In addition, through subsequent amendments following the year 2011, Law no. 62/2011 repealed Government Decision no. 369/2009 on the establishment and functioning of the social dialogue committees at the level of central government and local administration.

Even though the development and adoption of the Law on social dialogue were not made based on an impact study, the statistical tools can be a starting point to determine the influence of the new regulations on the success of collective bargaining.

In light of the new provisions governing the labor relations, at the level of the Ministry of Interi- or there were collective bargaining that led to the conclusion in 2013 of a new collective agreement on the terms of labor relations. 

Cuvinte cheie

negotiation, social partners, social dialogue, collective agreement, collective employment contract

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